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讲座回顾,澳大利亚伍伦贡大学 Dr Sharon Quah 解读对离婚移民妇女的暴力行为

发布时间:2019-11-05 作者: 浏览量: 【关闭】

讲座时间:2019年7月9日下午2: 30-4: 30


讲座题目:Using Transnational, Intersectional Feminist Perspectives to Understand Violence Against Divorced Migrant Women

主讲人: Dr Sharon Quah (澳大利亚伍伦贡大学高级讲师)


★ 主讲人介绍

Sharon Quah 2013年从澳大利亚悉尼大学获得博士学位,目前在澳大利亚伍伦贡大学(University of Wollongong)法律、人文与艺术学院担任高级讲师,主要研究方向为跨国女性主义、跨国家庭与婚姻、社会政策与公平等。目前已出版专著 Perspectiveson Marital Dissolution:Divorce Biographies in Singapore (Springer,2015)。在Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Emotion, Spaceand Society, Journal of Sociology和Marriage and Family Review等知名国际学术期刊发表多篇论文。


Dr Quah Ee Ling Sharon (柯乙蓤博士) is Senior Lecturer in Sociology with the School of Humanities and Social Inquiry, University of Wollongong (UOW). Sharon’s research interests include transnational, intersectional feminist perspectives, decoloniality, heteronormativity and non-normative families, divorce and transnational divorce, intimacies, emotions, genders, masculinities, sexualities, social justice and social policy. She is the author of a sole-authored monograph, Perspectives on Marital Dissolution: Divorce Biographies in Singapore (Springer, 2015). Her other peer reviewed publications include book chapters (Routledge, 2018) and journal articles in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Emotion, Space and Society, Journal of Sociology and Marriage and Family Review. She is currently writing her second sole-authored book, Transnational Divorce: Understanding Intimacies and Inequalities from Singapore (under contract with Routledge). She was conferred her PhD in Sociology degree by The University of Sydney in 2013. Prior to her current academic position with UOW, Sharon was a postdoctoral fellow (2013-2014) and research fellow (2015-2016) with the National University of Singapore, Asia Research Institute.


★ 精彩内容

早年一些亚洲欠发达国家的女性曾通过婚姻的方式移民至新加坡。离异之后,这些侨居异国的女性常陷入朝不保夕的窘境,惴惴不安于自己是否可以继续合法寄居、照顾她们具有当地公民身份的子女。而后这一女性群体不得不为争取合法生存、工作以及照顾子女的权利而抗争。这一残酷的现实反映了全球化大环境下公民身份的等级制度以及生存机会的不均等分配。Sharon Quah博士通过实地访谈,深入分析了她们的真实遭遇,重新思考其所遭受的身体伤害之外的隐性暴力。Quah博土指出:一旦她们的生殖繁衍和家务帮佣能力不再被渴求,其与原公民家庭的关系也随之中断,意即这种关系的“一次性”;以及一旦脱离了婚姻的“保护伞”,她们将不再被视为潜在的有用公民,即与所寄生社会的关系的“一次性”。残酷的“一次性潜规则”使得本就是弱势群体的离异移民女性的生活更加艰难。


Taking on a transnational, intersectional feminist perspective, this paper examines the circumstances of non-citizen migrant wives from less wealthy countries in Asia when divorce takes place. At the point of divorce, these women who had earlier moved to Singapore as marriage migrants were immediately thrust into precarious predicaments with their main concern centering round the rights to remain in their host country and care for their citizen children. The women’s contestations for legitimacy to live, work and care for their citizen children expose global hierarchy of citizenship, unequal effects of globalisation and unequal distribution of life chances. Drawing from empirical data collected through in-depth interviews, the paper discusses how the intersection of multiple conditions and social categories embodied by the women affects their divorce biographies. By examining the women’s experiences, the paper rethinks violence beyond the infliction of physical harm but in terms of disposability and debilitation. The findings show how the women experience violence in insidious ways as they go about organising their everyday lives. The women’s narrative accounts not only reveal disposability of ties with the citizen family when their reproductive and domestic labour is no longer desired, but also disposability of ties with the host society when they are no longer categorised as potentially productive citizens located in a heteronormative marriage. The paper discusses the debilitating implications of such disposability in these women’s post-divorce lives, which make their already vulnerable existence even more challenging.



Dr Sharon Quah于7月9日成功举办Using Transnational, Intersectional Feminist Perspectives to Understand Violence Against Divorced Migrant Women讲座后,7月10日与武汉大学妇女与性别研究中心中心的副主任姜星莉、中心学术委员会顾问罗萍老师进行了会谈和交流。双方谈到了将来在这一研究领域的科研合作、学术交流等。


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电子信箱:  f753837l@whu.edu.cn

通信地址:  武汉大学妇女与性别研究中心(武汉大学社会学系内)
